Transitioning From Dog Mom to Cat Mom

This August I moved in with my friend Lindsay and her cat, Zoe (Puss Puss or PP is her nickname).
I've never owned a cat and have only been around them because friends have owned one. I have always thought I would love to own a cat, since I'm a person who loves to have multiple pets, but I'm coming to the conclusion that cats are not for me. I've been around PP since Lindsay first got her and love her, but living with her is completely different. PP is EXTREMELY vocal. I think she's starting to develop some separation anxiety from Lindsay leaving or is just seeking for attention because when Lindsay is gone she constantly yell-meows from all over the house. This happens at all hours of the day whenever it is just us two and makes me feel sad but annoyed at the same time. I've also witnessed her have a turd stuck on her butt and the mad-dash around the house that came with it. PP has also been acting out because we've put her on a diet due to her being seriously obese. She peed and pooped in the kitchen and I was the one to discover it. While I was trying to clean the mess she continued to try and tap it. She also has the typical jerk cat attitude to knock things over all the time and used the bottom of my bed as her hammock, which because of her weight shakes the whole bed while I'm trying to sleep. Lastly, litter boxes are gross and dogs don't lay on your laptop while you try to do homework. 

Not all cats are like this, but dogs are better in my opinion. I need a pet that likes to cuddle, gets excited when I come home and doesn't scratch me or knock things over for fun. I know all pets can do frustrating things for the owner, but I can confidently say that I will never own a cat once I move into my own home. 


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