Spring Activities

Now that I can say it's officially spring, I've been spending as much time possible outside again. I thought I would share a couple of my favorite things to do outside and some pictures! I'd Love to hear what you do now that it is beginning to get warmer out, so don't forget to comment and share what you love to do in spring!

  • I love driving around the backroads that are between ONU's campus and Lima. I always end up seeing something funny or a insanely pretty sunset. Last week I saw a squad of about 30 turkeys running back and forth across the road. This picture --> is a picture I took of my friend Lindsay while we were chasing a sunset.

  • One of my absolute favorite things to do is go to the park. Specifically the Wildwood parks back home in Toledo. I sometimes go by myself, but I also meet friends there. 

  • The last thing I'll share that I love to do is sit on the roof with Duke (my boyfriend's dog) and just relax. He loves to people watch while I soak in some Vitamin D. What are some of your favorite things to do outside? I'd love to hear what you do now that it's getting warmer out again!


  1. I am so glad that spring is here! Yes that means a crazy class schedule and due dates but it also brings all those good things that you talked about in your blog post! Happy Spring!

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  3. Loca sunsets are the best! Thanks for sharing one of our favorite memeories together. Hopefully this list will inspire more people to get out and enjoy the spring weather. :)

  4. I too love cruising on the backroads. It is really relaxing and is a great place to play your music loud. I would have to say my favorite thing to do in the spring would be going to the soccer fields and kicking the ball around.


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