Facebook: Likes Vs. Reactions

  • Why do likes and reactions influence what shows up on your timeline? 
    • Whenever you like, react to, comment on, or share a post it influences Facebook's Edgerank, which determines what you see on your timeline. The higher the Edgerank on a post, the more people will see it show up on their timeline. 
  • Facebook has discovered that if a user leaves a reaction instead of simply liking something  they want to see more of that post on their timeline. Leaving a reaction takes an extra step compared to liking a post. 
    • I also have seen that many people who 'react' to a post also like it.
  • Does each type of reaction's influence weight different? 
    • No, as of right now it doesn't matter how you 'react' to a post, each reaction weighs the same. Facebook says that love is the most popular reaction, "accounting for more than half of all reactions..."
    • I think that before this update was released that Facebook should have weighted each reaction differently. I wouldn't want to be seeing more of posts that made me sad or angry. 
  • There are people questioning this update because the data could be used to gather data on users. There is one Facebook user that created a Chrome extension to randomly select a reaction every time the 'like' button is clicked, so data on a user's true feelings about a post would be hidden.

How often do you use reactions on Facebook? (I've never used a reaction, but I rarely use Facebook) Do you think reactions should be a bigger influence than likes for what shows up on your timeline? 


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